Hello, everyone.I wanna to draw a Scrollbar and a textfield at the same time.And when the Scrollbar scroll, the textfield's value change with it, also, when the textfield's text changed, the Scrollbar change its position too. I write the code like this:
_interocularDis = GUILayout.HorizontalScrollbar(_interocularDis, 0.01f, 0, 1f);
_interocularDis = (float)Math.Round(_interocularDis, digit1);
string textInterocular = GUILayout.TextField(_interocularDis.ToString());
_interocularDis = (float)Math.Round(_interocularDis, digit1);
//float tmp = float.Parse(textInterocular, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowDecimalPoint);
float tmp = 0.0f;
float.TryParse(textInterocular, out tmp);
_interocularDis = tmp;
// _interocularDis = (float)Convert.ToDouble(textInterocular);
catch (Exception e)
However, i can not input a float number in the textfield, how can i input a float number in the textfield and let the scrollbar change its value at the same time?
Any answer will be appreciate!