Hello, everyone!
I wanna to write a function that show a dialog window, the only method i thought about is that defining a global boolean variable to record whether we are showing a gui, if so, i must maintain its value when i or my partner is showing a gui! Are there any other method? i find a way here :
[link text][1]
[1]: http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/38911-Modal-GUI.Windows
but it is in javascript version, can anybody translate it into C# version?
Thanks in advance!
static function ModalWindow(rect:Rect,title:String,windowFunction:Function)
return GUILayout.Window(GUIUtility.GetControlID(FocusType.Passive),rect,function(id:int)
//first get a control id. every subsequent call to GUI control function will get a larger id
var min=GUIUtility.GetControlID(FocusType.Native);
//we can use the id to check if current control is inside our window
if(GUIUtility.hotControlmax && max!=-1))
//focus the window and bring it to front
static function setHotControl(id:int)
//don't block events if mousePointer is outside "Screen", otherwise if we run the game in editor
//we would block the editor GUI as well.